The Society of Good Taste

The Society of Good Taste

The Society of Good Taste

One of the great original social campaigns was the Burger King Whopper Sacrifice. This was built on such a simple insight - we aren't really friends with most of our connections on Facebook, but we are addicted to checking their posts. So how comfortable would we be sacrificing 10 of them for a free burger? (It turned out to be a lot, since Facebook shut it down for losing too many members).

The Grey Poupon Society of Good Taste app is the first campaign idea I have seen in a while that builds on a similar beautiful insight - that most brands are obsessed with getting as many Likes as possible, which is often a quantity over quality race to the bottom in terms of their fan base. 

With the app, once you connect, it scans your profile for check-ins, types of status updates, and if you use good grammar and spelling. If you don't prove to be as classy as Grey Poupon itself, it will unceremoniously remove you Like, and point you to the nearest finishing school.

Great work, and a great way to build on the brand ethos.