Farmed and Dangerous.
As far as businesses dipping their toes into branded content, Chipotle have made some serious strides with some short form examples recently (think Back to the Start and the Scarecrow).
Their latest efforts are a lot more ambitious, with the release of a new unbranded long form series called 'Farmed and Dangerous'.
The show (which streams on Hulu) is a four part satirical look at a fictitious industrial farming giant 'Animoil', and the PR agency hired to cover up some unfortunate instances of exploding cows. Check out the trailer:
After watching it, I have to say, it's not too bad, with Ray Wise doing a great job in his role.
With a lot of new research from Economists suggesting that the keys to a successful organisation is a strong non-financial vision, Chipotle are making a strong stand with their 'Food with Integrity' positioning.
From Tim Piper, director of Farmed and Dangerous, "brands need to make a decision. They can either continue to interrupt entertainment, or they can inspire it".
Speaking of interruption, with the ads shown online on Hulu while streaming the show, Chiptole have managed to integrate in some fake commericals from Animoil that add to the narrative, a very clever addition to the experience. Some examples:
Check out the full show on Hulu.